Prevent Runtime error: No such modifier in node 1

I've created a dialog box script which can create an object and then add and remove modifiers. To remove modifiers one-by-one from the stack (like an undo command), I have added a button:

on but_undo pressed do
deletemodifier obj 1

Only problem is that it's still possible to try and remove a modifier even when the stack is empty, which results in a runtime error: No such modifier in node 1

Is there a way that I can disable the button if the modifier stack is empty? Failing that, is there a way to prevent it from attempting to delete a modifier if there isn't one there to delete? Or am I just going about this the wrong way to start with?


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miauu's picture


Or count the mdifiers:

on but_undo pressed do
	if obj.modifiers.count != 0 do
		deletemodifier obj 1
pixamoon's picture


the simplest way is to just add try(  )catch():

on but_undo pressed do
try(deletemodifier obj 1)catch()

you can also use callbacks to turn off button, but its bit more complicated

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