saveMaxFile bug within 3ds Max 2016


The function saveMaxFile does not save under 3ds Max 2016.
The function should work as before because the documentation has not changed:

Feel free to test the code below if you are currently using/testing 3ds Max 2016:

	format "I am using 3ds Max %\n\nLet's test the saving function!\n\n" (((MaxVersion())[1]/1000) + 1998)
	local i = 2013, myPath = "C:\Autodesk\3dsMax\Bug\tooThe.max"
	while i <= 2016 do
		local b = saveMaxFile myPath saveAsVersion:i clearNeedSaveFlag:true useNewFile:true quiet:true
		if b then
			format "file saved under: 3ds Max %\n" i
			format "file not saved under: 3ds Max %\n\n" i
		i += 1

You should get this response in the Listener Window:
I am using 3ds Max 2016

Let's test the saving function!

file saved under: 3ds Max 2013
file saved under: 3ds Max 2014
file saved under: 3ds Max 2015
file not saved under: 3ds Max 2016


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pixamoon's picture


maybe max 2016 is default so skip saveAsVersion:i
or use saveAsVersion:default ?

I checked maxscript help and there is only saveAsPrevious: So looks like you don't need to use saveAsVersion: or saveAsPrevious: when saving to current version.

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