Preview Texture resolution Material Editor ?!

Hello there !
I would like to know if we can set a value for the resolution of magnify render to the material Editor...
for exemple: select a material, enter to this diffuse map, double click on the sphere material.
it will open a preview (magnify) windows, on the material editor uncheck "show End result".
You will have the preview of your texture map.
I would like to know how to increase this renderer preview.
i use a renderer who set a small pixel ratio and my textures aren't good...



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ChukA's picture



jahman's picture


It can't resize already opened magnify window, but nevertheless

	magnify_window_size = [ 256, 256 ]
	DialogMonitorOPS.UnRegisterNotification id:#magnify
	fn OnWindowOpen =
		local hwnd = DialogMonitorOPS.GetWindowHandle()
		if hwnd != undefined do
			local data = windows.getHWNDData hwnd
			if data[4] == "#32770" do
                                -- for 2014+ versions
				local pos = windows.getWindowPos hwnd
				windows.setWindowPos hwnd pos.x pos.y magnify_window_size.x magnify_window_size.y true
                                -- alternative version
                                -- (dotNetClass "Autodesk.Max.GlobalInterface").Instance.StretchWindow (dotNetObject "System.IntPtr" hwnd) magnify_window_size.x magnify_window_size.y
				DialogMonitorOPS.Enabled = false
				DialogMonitorOPS.UnRegisterNotification id:#magnify
				format "done...\n" 			
	DialogMonitorOPS.RegisterNotification OnWindowOpen id:#magnify
	DialogMonitorOPS.Enabled = true
	actionman.executeAction 2 "40296" -- open magnify preview window
ChukA's picture

Thanks Jahman, but...nope :(

Thanks Jahman, but...

nope :( indeed the size of windows is changeable but que quality is not better...
Take a look to the screenshot !

any other idea ? i have this issue only with Fstorm renderer...

magnify_v2.jpg 669.51 KB
jahman's picture


yours looks very different compared to standard magnify window (doubleclick on a slot)

ChukA's picture

hum, go into the diffuse slot

hum, go into the diffuse slot and put a bitmaptex...
select a file... and uncheck « show end result ».
on the bitmaptex you have « view bitmap » (in the crop selection) - this is the right in my picture
double click on the material - this is my left one.

jahman's picture


well, perhaps fstorm uses its own custom magnify preview.

or you can probably use renderMap to render and preview the map in desired resolution

ChukA's picture

Take a look to this video,

Take a look to this video, you will understand, i've asked to the dev of Fstorm why he said to me that's a limitation of GPU renderer (to be honest it's not cause Octane and redshift works well). I think it set to a basic size like 256*256... that my question does it possible to force it to a best resolution.



jahman's picture


Since you can't make it work even manually I doubt that there's a way to achieve it via maxscript or whatever else. The way texture looks on renderMap says it all.
Wonder if a square texture will perform any better.

ChukA's picture

nope :/ square or not, same

nope :/ square or not, same result. it's the rendering of magnify itself.
i Can put 10000x10000px always the same result.

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