
Hi, I have a little problem; I made two objects "Box01" and "Box02", and I add it to "Fracture01" reactor constrain for do a simulation. Also I write a script for set "Fracture01" propierties graphically, so far so good. My question is how can I use the rctFractureInterface "Methods" from a "script", specifically the "setPieceType" method.

In the reference say:

setPieceType piece type
type enums: {#normal|#unbreakable|#keystone|#autobreak}

I need help


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Anubis's picture


-- set Box01 to unbreakable using .pieces property
$Fracture01.setPieceType $Fracture01.pieces[1] #unbreakable
-- set Box02 to keystone using node
$Fracture01.setPieceType $Box02 #keystone

my recent MAXScripts RSS (archive here)

megabit's picture


Thanks Anubis, it is clear with your example

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