Read image output format settings from Render Output

Hi all,
I have a problem with format setting.
I setup format settings for Render Output file in 3ds max (ex. png, 16bit, alpha) and save a file.
Then i create a job in deadline and use a postload script to change a rendOutputFilename to new path with same file type. But the output file is saved with other format settings.
How i can save same format setting when change a rendOutputFilename? Maybe i can read format settings from rendOutputFilename?


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antomor's picture

thanks all for answers

thanks all for answers
All solutions not uses for me
Think in maxsript i can not read format options for rendOutputFilename.
I solved my problem with another method

pixamoon's picture



Try this one:

  output_filename = rendOutputFilename
  rendOutputFilename = ""
  pngio.setType #true48
  pngio.setAlpha true
  rendOutputFilename = output_filename


antomor's picture

thank you, but i do not know

thank you, but i do not know format options in rendOutputFilename and want leave this options but change a rendOutputFilename.

pixamoon's picture


ah, sorry, looked on your question too fast.

To get output settings I think you need to do it with actual dialogs and get info from them:
1. open Render Setup dialog
2. press Files... button
3. press Setup... button
4. get info from PNG Configuration dialog

Try this code:

  local png_type, png_alpha
  fn press_button_by_name hwnd str =
    for o in windows.getChildrenHWND hwnd where (o[4] == "Button" or o[4] == "CustButton") and matchpattern o[5] pattern:str do UIAccessor.PressButton o[1]
  fn dialog_ops_re =
      local hwnd = DialogMonitorOPS.GetWindowHandle()
      local wnd_text = UIAccessor.GetWindowText hwnd
      if wnd_text != undefined then
        if wnd_text == "Render Output File" then
          press_button_by_name hwnd "Setup..."
          press_button_by_name hwnd "Cancel"
        if wnd_text == "PNG Configuration" then
          for o in windows.getChildrenHWND hwnd do
            if checked_type == undefined do
              local checked_type = findItem #("Optimized palette  (256)", "RGB 24 bit  (16.7 Million)", "RGB 48 bit  (281 Trillion)", "Grayscale 8 bit  (256)", "Grayscale 16 bit  (65,536)") o[5]
              if checked_type > 0 and (windows.sendMessage o[1] 0x00F0 0 0) == 1 do
                png_type = case checked_type of 
                  1 : #paletted
                  2 : #true24
                  3 : #true48
                  4 : #gray8
                  5 : #gray16
                  default : undefined
            if o[5] == "Alpha channel" do 
              png_alpha = ((windows.sendMessage o[1] 0x00F0 0 0) == 1)
          press_button_by_name hwnd "Cancel"
    catch(print (getCurrentException()))
  fn get_output_png_settings = 
    DialogMonitorOPS.unRegisterNotification id:#pixamoon_output_png_settings
    DialogMonitorOPS.RegisterNotification dialog_ops_re id:#pixamoon_output_png_settings
    DialogMonitorOPS.Enabled = true
    if not renderSceneDialog.isopen() do
    local hwnd
    for o in windows.getChildrenHWND (windows.getDesktopHwnd()) where o[4] == "#32770" and matchPattern o[5] pattern:"Render Setup:*" and o[6] == windows.getMaxHwnd() do
       hwnd = o[1]
    if hwnd == undefined then
      messageBox "Couldn't find Render Setup Dialog"
      press_button_by_name hwnd "Files..."
    DialogMonitorOPS.unRegisterNotification id:#pixamoon_output_png_settings
    DialogMonitorOPS.Enabled = false
  if renderSceneDialog.isopen() do renderSceneDialog.commit()
  if rendOutputFilename != undefined and toLower (getFilenameType rendOutputFilename) == ".png" then
    png_type = undefined
    png_alpha = undefined
    print png_type
    print png_alpha
    messageBox "Output format is diffrent then .png"


antomor's picture

Thank you for you solution.

Thank you for you solution. But this not my variant.

pixamoon's picture


Sorry, so far I can find only this variant,

Let me know if you find other way to get output settings.


jahman's picture


does it work?

	rendOutputFilename = ""
	current_type = pngio.gettype() -- {#paletted|#true24|#true48|#gray8|#gray16} 
	case current_type of
		#paletted : pngio.settype #true24
		#true24   : pngio.settype #true48
		#true48   : pngio.settype #gray8
		#gray8    : pngio.settype #gray16 
		#gray16   : pngio.settype #paletted
		default:    pngio.settype #paletted	
	rendOutputFilename = "c:\\abc.png"
	rendSaveFile = true
jahman's picture


if you know that output file is png perhaps you can access output settings like this?

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