Read image output format settings from Render Output
Hi all,
I have a problem with format setting.
I setup format settings for Render Output file in 3ds max (ex. png, 16bit, alpha) and save a file.
Then i create a job in deadline and use a postload script to change a rendOutputFilename to new path with same file type. But the output file is saved with other format settings.
How i can save same format setting when change a rendOutputFilename? Maybe i can read format settings from rendOutputFilename?
thanks all for answers
thanks all for answers
All solutions not uses for me
Think in maxsript i can not read format options for rendOutputFilename.
I solved my problem with another method
Try this one:
thank you, but i do not know
thank you, but i do not know format options in rendOutputFilename and want leave this options but change a rendOutputFilename.
ah, sorry, looked on your question too fast.
To get output settings I think you need to do it with actual dialogs and get info from them:
1. open Render Setup dialog
2. press Files... button
3. press Setup... button
4. get info from PNG Configuration dialog
Try this code:
Thank you for you solution.
Thank you for you solution. But this not my variant.
Sorry, so far I can find only this variant,
Let me know if you find other way to get output settings.
does it work?
if you know that output file is png perhaps you can access output settings like this?