Rotate selected Face in polyobj

How Rotate selected Face in polyobj?? Honestly I can not ...

I have this situation:

Select a Source poly face of object
Select a target poly face of same object

Press button and the target face it's positioned in the same face/normal rotation (similarly it has a copy and paste)

Now, I was able to extrapolate the transformation of the normal face, but I can not turn the face target...

Any help?



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Michele71's picture

Thanks Miauu for the reply.

Thanks Miauu for the reply.

No case in particular; sometimes the use of "make planar" or "align" does not match what I want (in all cases)forcing me to move vertex to vertex for align two face. Here the idea to take the transformation of a face and put it on the face target (just copy&paste).

Thanks for your patience and attention :)

miauu's picture


To move a face/poly you hve to move its vertices.

Can you show an image of the final result?

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