script doesn't work properly on the first try

im new to scripting, this is my first script for 3dsmax.
and i keep having this problem, everytime that i close and reopen the 3dsMax and reload the script doesn't work on the first try he create a stretch object, if i keep pushing the button he start to create the object properly.

the script is attach to the post.

any ideas of what im doing wrong?

popcorn.ms3.3 KB


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lhdc's picture

now its working perfect, ty

now its working perfect, ty all for the help :D

miauu's picture

Branko, your code still

Branko, your code still produces streched popcorns. :)
The problems is in ScaleSelected operations. Replace it with this and everything will be fine:

 parent:(transMatrix corn.pos) axis:(transMatrix corn.pos)
barigazy's picture


Thanks Kostadin
Streching is not only problem here but also face-overlaping
I corrected below code as you suggested.


barigazy's picture


try this one
I added random position to each popcorn to produce differend form

try(destroyDialog ::popcorn_button)catch()
rollout popcorn_button "Popcorn"
    button btn_one "Popcorn" 
        tooltip: "Press this button to create a popcorn" \
	spinner count "Number"type:#integer range:[1,100,1] 
	checkbox ckbx1 "low poly" checked:false
    on btn_one pressed do
		-- material
		local m1 = standardmaterial diffuse:(color 255 132 0) specularLevel:100 glossiness:50 name:"popcorn_yellow" 
		local m2 = standardmaterial diffuse:(color 255 255 255) name:"popcorn_white"
		local mm = multimaterial numsubs:2 name:"popcorn_material" materialList:#(m1,m2)		
		messagebox"Wait, while the script work."
		for i=1 to count.value do
		-- geosphere
			corn = GeoSphere pos:[random -10 10,random -10 10,random -10 10] radius:(random 3 4) name:(uniquename "Popcorn") material:mm  isSelected:on 
			cornMod = Edit_Poly name:"PopcornDeform"
			addmodifier corn cornMod ui:on
			max modify mode ; subobjectLevel = 4
			cornMod.SetSelection #Face #{1..(corn.numfaces)}
			PolyToolsTopology.tatter 2 1 1 
		-- extrude 
			cornMod.SetOperation #ExtrudeFace
			cornMod.extrudeFaceHeight = random 1 2
		-- tessellate
			cornMod.SetOperation #Tessellate
			cornMod.tessellateByFace = 1
			subobjectLevel = 0
		-- smoth
			cornMod.SetOperation #MeshSmooth
			subobjectLevel = 4
			cornMod.ScaleSelection [1.2,1.2,1.2] parent:(transMatrix corn.pos) axis:(transMatrix corn.pos)
			cornMod.SetSelection #Face #{1..(corn.numfaces)}
		-- polytools
			PolyToolsTopology.tatter 2 1 1 
			PolyToolsSelect.NumericFace 18 3 true
			cornMod.SetOperation #Bevel
			cornMod.bevelHeight = -2
			cornMod.bevelOutline = -0.5
			cornMod.Commit ()
			cornMod.SetOperation #SetMaterial
			cornMod.materialIDToSet = 0
			cornMod.Commit () "PolyTools" "NonQuad"
		-- tessellate
			cornMod.SetOperation #Tessellate
			cornMod.Commit ()
			subobjectLevel = 0
			cornMod.ButtonOp #MeshSmooth
			cornMod.ButtonOp #MeshSmooth
			cornMod.SetSelection #Face #{}
			subobjectLevel = 0
			addmodifier corn (Smooth name:"PopcornSmooth" autosmooth:on)
		-- checkbox
			if ckbx1.checked do (addmodifier corn (optimize name:"PopcornOptimize" facethreshold1:15))
createDialog popcorn_button 120 70


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