Scripting-noob has questions

Hi guys,

I'm new to this forum (and scripting in general) but decided to take the plunge and learn. I'm trying to write a script that randomly scales objects between two values, using the very basic Maxscript-knowledge I have right now.

I run into two problems:
- When the rollout opens, I'd like the default values to be set to 0.9 for 'min' and 1.1 for 'max', but can't get it to work.
- When I use the current rollout, and don't change the values, the scaling goes hopelessly wrong. Even though the spinners say 0.9 by default, it seems to be using '0.0' as a default
- Is there a way to use three digits after the komma?

Thanks a lot, I'll post the code below.


MacroScript Randomize_Hanging_Product category:"Swillie's Scripts" buttonText:"Randomize Hanging Product" tooltip:"Randomize Hanging Product"
rollout RandomizeRollout "Randomize Hanging Product" width:226 height:150
spinner spn1 "Min" pos:[15,59] width:58 height:16 range:[0.9,1.1,0]
spinner spn2 "Max" pos:[15,78] width:58 height:16 range:[0.9,1.1,0]
spinner spn7 "Min" pos:[90,59] width:58 height:16 range:[0.9,1.1,0]
spinner spn8 "Max" pos:[90,78] width:58 height:16 range:[0.9,1.1,0]
spinner spn9 "Min" pos:[165,59] width:58 height:16 range:[0.9,1.1,0]
spinner spn10 "Max" pos:[165,78] width:58 height:16 range:[0.9,1.1,0]
label lbl6 "X" pos:[43,35] width:16 height:18
label lbl7 "Y" pos:[118,35] width:16 height:18
label lbl8 "Z" pos:[193,35] width:16 height:18
button btn8 "Randomize!" pos:[43,108] width:140 height:18
button btn9 "Clear" pos:[43,130] width:140 height:18

on btn8 pressed do
for obj in $ do
if (selection.count > 0) then
randXscale = random spn1.value spn2.value
randYscale = random spn7.value spn8.value
randZscale = random spn9.value spn10.value
scale obj [randXscale,randYscale,randZscale]
messagebox "Je hebt niks geselecteerd, joker!"

on btn9 pressed do
spn1.value = 0.0
spn2.value = 0.0
spn7.value = 0.0
spn8.value = 0.0
spn9.value = 0.0
spn10.value = 0.0
createDialog RandomizeRollout 226 150


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Anubis's picture

Hi Swillie, all you need is

Hi Swillie,
all you need is described in the help. the range property hold [min,max,val] where 'min' and 'max' define you range and the 'val' is the default value. In you case that w'd be "range:[0.9,1.1,0.9]". That's it.

And also each spinner has 'scale' property which give you a desired precision without messing with the global settings (preferences.spinnerPrecision). So here is example spinner:

spinner spn1 "Min" pos:[15,59] width:58 height:16 range:[0.9,1.1,0.9] scale:0.01


my recent MAXScripts RSS (archive here)

Swillie's picture



Swillie's picture

Hi man, thanks for helping.

Hi man, thanks for helping. Unfortunately I don't quite understand

- What's with the [0.154324,10.1,0.9] and [0.121123,10.1,1.1]? I want it to range between 0.9 and 1.1, how does this apply? And why the extremely precise but seemingly random numbers?
- How do I use preferences.spinnerPrecision ? In other words, how and where do I put in into my code? Doesn't seem to work when I try it.

Many thanks for your patience, I understand that for experienced scipters these questions might be a pain :)

Graph's picture

spinner spn1 "Min"

spinner spn1 "Min" pos:[15,59] width:58 height:16 range:[0.154324,10.1,0.9]
spinner spn2 "Max" pos:[15,78] width:58 height:16 range:[0.121123,10.1,1.1]



This integer value defines the number of decimal digits displayed by spinners.
Corresponds to the Precision value in the Spinners group in Customize > Preferences > General.

Raphael Steves

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