Setting material id and material

Hey guys,

First off, I'm a newbie. sorry.

I'm trying to learn maxscript and to create standard parametric geometries for archviz. Currently I'm working on a curtain wall plugin similar to the one that comes with Max but with more functionality for what I need. I have a pretty good handle on creating the geometry itself but I'm stuck on how to assign materials and material ids to specific faces and establish uv coordinates.

I created the following script for testing. I would like to assign a different material for each polygon. Can anybody help?

parameters main rollout: params(
WidthA type:#float ui:WidthA default:10
LengthA type:#float ui:LengthA default:10

rollout params "Test Plane"(
spinner WidthA"Width "range:[0,10000,10] tooltip:"Width"
spinner LengthA"Length "range:[0,10000,10] tooltip:"Length"

on buildMesh do (
vert_array = #()
face_array = #()

append vert_array[0,0,0]
append vert_array[(LengthA/2),0,0]
append vert_array[LengthA,0,0]
append vert_array[0,WidthA,0]
append vert_array[(LengthA/2),WidthA,0]
append vert_array[LengthA,WidthA,0]

append face_array[4,1,2]
append face_array[2,5,4]
append face_array[5,2,3]
append face_array[3,6,5]

setmesh mesh vertices:vert_array faces:face_array
for face = 1 to mesh.numfaces do setEdgeVis mesh face 3 false

tool create
on mousePoint click do (
case click of (
1: coordsys grid (nodeTM.translation = gridPoint)
on mouseMove click do (
case click of (
2: (LengthA = abs(gridDist.x); WidthA = abs(gridDist.y))
3: (#stop)

Thanks in advance,


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garyb's picture


Oh wow! That is so much simpler. I was thinking i would have to cycle through the mesh after it was made. This is exactly what i needed. Thank you!

barigazy's picture

I'm glad that this code

I'm glad that this code help.
By the way, next time when you post some code use tags "< code> your code here < /code>"


garyb's picture



barigazy's picture

And this is your plugin

And this is your plugin (place it if you want in script>startup directory)
You don't need my function for plugin

AttachmentSize 1.27 KB


barigazy's picture

Set Unique Mesh Polygon Material ID

Hope this help

fn setPolygonMtlID obj = 
	local obj = selection[1]
	local uniqueFaces = #()
	for f in 1 to obj.numfaces do appendifunique uniqueFaces ((meshop.getPolysUsingFace obj #{f}) as array)[1]
	meshPolygonsArr = for i in uniqueFaces collect ((meshop.getPolysUsingFace obj #{i}) as array)
	for mid in 1 to meshPolygonsArr.count do 
		for f in meshPolygonsArr[mid] do setFaceMatID obj f mid
	free meshPolygonsArr ; free uniqueFaces ; update obj
for obj in selection where iskindof obj.baseobject Editable_Mesh do
	setPolygonMtlID obj.baseobject


garyb's picture

Hey, thanks for the help and

Hey, thanks for the help and the quick reply! :)

I tried it in my script but it didn't seem to do anything. I'm not entirely sure exactly what your code does so I probably didn't apply it correctly.

Attached is the script if you'ld like to have a look.

Thank you. :)

AttachmentSize 1.71 KB
barigazy's picture


Run the code below and you'll find out how my function works

fn setPolygonMtlID obj &polycount = 
	local uniqueFaces = #()
	for f in 1 to obj.numfaces do appendifunique uniqueFaces ((meshop.getPolysUsingFace obj #{f}) as array)[1]
	meshPolygonsArr = for i in uniqueFaces collect ((meshop.getPolysUsingFace obj #{i}) as array)
	polycount = meshPolygonsArr.count
	for mid in 1 to polycount do 
		for f in meshPolygonsArr[mid] do setFaceMatID obj f mid
	free meshPolygonsArr ; free uniqueFaces ; update obj
testmesh = converttomesh (Teapot segs:3)
setPolygonMtlID testmesh &polycount
multimat = Multimaterial name:"TestMat" materialList:(for m in 1 to polycount collect standardmaterial diffuse:(random (color 0 0 0) (color 255 255 255)))
testmesh.material = multimat


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