Skip first in array to array.count

How would i affect just a portion of an array by skipping the first one.

testObjs = #()
for obj in selection do
	appendIfUnique testObjs obj
newList = testObjs[3..(testObjs.count)]


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Anubis's picture

this one

for i = 2 to selection.count do
	appendIfUnique testObjs selection[i]

but that also presume to watch to not get out of bound, i.e.
if selection.count >= 2 do -- start for loop

my recent MAXScripts RSS (archive here)

JokerMartini's picture


I'm trying to affect all the object in the array except the first one.
Is there a simple way of listing all those items in skipping the first one and running through all the items in the array until there are no more.

John Martini
Digital Artist (new site)

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