I have an idea , a script slices object with a distance , my script works well in the first time , but the second time it is not correct , i dont know why , can you help me , thank a lot ----- (sorry , my enlish is not good)

units.SystemType = #millimeters
chieungangx = $.max.x - $.min.x
soluongx = (chieungangx/3000) as integer
for ix = 1 to soluongx do
sliceMod = sliceModifier Slice_Type:0
addModifier $ sliceMod
ObjPosx = [$.min.x ,$.center.y,$.center.z]
tempMatrix = ((matrix3 [0,0,1] [0,1,0] [1,0,0] (ObjPosx +[ix*3000,0,0]) ))
$.slice.slice_plane.transform = tempMatrix


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