slice tool

I wrote a little script to slice (with a number of slice) selected faces according a two points direction (by two clics)
It works well on objects without rotation.
Anybody can help to make it works in any case ?


pta = pickpoint snap:#3d
ptb = pickpoint snap:#3d rubberBand:pta
ptd = ( ptb - pta )
nptd = normalize ptd
posO = $.pos

print posO

na = nptd[1]
nb = nptd[2]
nc = nptd[3]
try destroyDialog rlslice catch()
global rlslice = rollout rlslice "Slice"
button butconnect "GO" pos:[2,2]
spinner spX "X " width:60 range:[2,100,3] type:#integer pos:[55,5]
on butconnect pressed do
for i=1 to (spX.value-1) do
inc = (ptd/(spX.value))
ppp = (inc * i) + pta
--Point pos: ppp

pppL = ppp - posO
$.EditablePoly.slice [na,nb,nc] pppL flaggedFacesOnly:on
createDialog rlslice 160 50


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Anubis's picture

it works

Hi Titane,
I test it (Max2009) and it works well even with rotated objects

my recent MAXScripts RSS (archive here)

titane357's picture

hello anubis, yes it slice

hello anubis,
yes it slice selected faces but not like I want.... :-(

slice.png 55.93 KB

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