Sorting Array with non string items

I have two questions that are trying to get to the same place

I am creating an array of all modifiers,

modArr = modifier.classes

Is there a way to sort this array into alphabetical order since the items are not strings?

Or is there a way to force "modifier.classes" to return the list in alphabetical order?



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barigazy's picture


I will love to see if someone have the answer why this not works

fn sortAlphabetical class = 
	name = with PrintAllElements on class as string
	name = filterstring stlclass "#(), "
	name = sort name 
	for c in class collect class[(finditem name (c as string))]
sortAlphabetical modifier.classes

Anyway this works but we need to use "EXECUTE"


fn sortAlphabetical class = 
	name = with PrintAllElements on class as string
	name = filterstring stlclass "#(), "
	name = sort name 
	for m in name collect execute m
sortAlphabetical modifier.classes


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