String manipulation - join


This is bit annoying but I cant figure it out.

So basically :

str = rendOutputFilename
Divide = filterString str "\\"

This gets me the location where I save images and split the string in to groups.

Now I want to remove the last group which is the name of file so all I will be left with is patch.

how can I now substract that last part and re-join it all so its proper "C:/test/test/test/"




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barigazy's picture


You are asking for this

str = "C:\\SomeFolder\\SomeSubfolder\\image.jpg"
strParts = filterstring str "\\"
newpath = ""
for s = 1 to strParts.count-1 do append newpath (strParts[s]+"/")

This is wrong way.
This will be one of meny ways but is better from previous for sure

str = "C:\\SomeFolder\\SomeSubfolder\\image.jpg"
filepath = pathConfig.removePathLeaf str
newfilename = pathConfig.appendpath filepath "newimage.png"


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