Backburner, script, name issue. Help please.
Heya I'm trying to send my job to BB and get a right name output out of it. This is my basic test command :
m =NetRender.GetManager()
m.connect #automatic ""
job = m.newjob ()
job.useAllServers = true = "aaaa" job.fromFrame = 0
job.toFrame = 0
And I forgot what is the damn command code again to wrap text
Anyway the name output I get is something like "Name_test0000.ext" where as I want "Name_test.ext"
Can any1 please help me out? I'm running out of options here as to how to tweak up the code so it gives me the correct result.
Yeah even when I try
even when I try :
job.frames = ("0")
Give me 0000. I just dont know what is the command to submit single frame. Or maybe should I just leave it empty O_O
look maybe here:
or here:
I checked this posted by Gravey:
It works perfectly here with 2014 and output files are without 0000
Hey Yes I did see his post.
Yes I did see his post. Sadly its a little bit hard to go over his script + its hist script. Isn't there a simple command am I just missing?
HeyYeah I know how tos cript
Yeah I know how to script rename script. The problem is that. I send the job to backburner via script. Which creates 20 000 jobs. They are then being rendered and I end up with up to 60 000 render images.
Cant have another script running really. I would need BB to save the file properly with no 0000 at the end.
When I submit job manually from max to network it will save job as "Name_test.ext" so there must be a way to script submit job and not have the extra 0000....
do you want to submit animation or single frames ?
if single frames (and u don't need 0000 on the end) problem can be in:
job.fromFrame = 0
job.toFrame = 0
It looks like you submitting it as animation job frame 0 to 0. I think that's why BB adds 0000 on end of rendered images.
If you want to remove 4 last digits from name try this:
or to get render output filename :