Syntax Error
Hello I Keep getting a syntax error and i cant find the reason why? I know its probaly something really simple so though it might be good to get a diffrent set of eyes on it.. Thanks
h = eulerangles 180 0 0
button animateobject "Animate Object"
on animateobject pressed do
for i=1 to 60 by 10 do
at time i with animate on
rotate $ h
local usersimage
button btn_browse "Select Texture" align:#left
button btn_aplyMat "Apply Material" align:#left
on btn_browse pressed do
usersimage = getOpenFileName caption: "Select Your Image" filename:maxFilepath types: "Images (*.bmp;)|*.bmp"
on btn_aplyMat pressed do
if selection.count == 0 then messageBox "Select some objects!" else
selection[1].material = standardMaterial diffuseMap: (Bitmaptexture fileName:usersimage) showInViewport:true
button exportobjects "Export Selected Objects"
on exportobjects pressed do
if selection.count == 0 then messageBox "Select objects!" else
local exportpath = @"C:"
exportFile exportpath using:ObjExp selectedonly:on
button closeinterface "Exit"
on closeinterface pressed do
destroydialog test_button
createDialog test_button 500 600
Folow this style when you start to write your tools for avoid common errors. Your style I not understand.
Ive just edited all my code
Ive just edited all my code so it follows your format and it works perfectly now..
Thanks Alot
My code is obviously a
My code is obviously a mess!
When i put your code in i still get a syntax error occuring on:
on btn_browse pressed do
It comes up with:
-- Syntax error: at on, expected while
-- In line: on b