Syntax Error

Hello I Keep getting a syntax error and i cant find the reason why? I know its probaly something really simple so though it might be good to get a diffrent set of eyes on it.. Thanks

h = eulerangles 180 0 0

button animateobject "Animate Object"
on animateobject pressed do
for i=1 to 60 by 10 do
at time i with animate on
rotate $ h

local usersimage

button btn_browse "Select Texture" align:#left
button btn_aplyMat "Apply Material" align:#left

on btn_browse pressed do
usersimage = getOpenFileName caption: "Select Your Image" filename:maxFilepath types: "Images (*.bmp;)|*.bmp"
on btn_aplyMat pressed do
if selection.count == 0 then messageBox "Select some objects!" else
selection[1].material = standardMaterial diffuseMap: (Bitmaptexture fileName:usersimage) showInViewport:true

button exportobjects "Export Selected Objects"
on exportobjects pressed do
if selection.count == 0 then messageBox "Select objects!" else
local exportpath = @"C:"
exportFile exportpath using:ObjExp selectedonly:on

button closeinterface "Exit"
on closeinterface pressed do
destroydialog test_button
createDialog test_button 500 600


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barigazy's picture


Folow this style when you start to write your tools for avoid common errors. Your style I not understand.

try(destroydialog ::test_button)catch()
rollout test_button "TEST"
        -- Locals
	local h = eulerangles 180 0 0
	local usersimage
	local exportpath = @"C:\"
        -- Rollout controls
	button animateobject "Animate Object" width:130 height:20 align:#left
	button btn_browse "Select Texture"  width:130 height:20 align:#left
	button btn_aplyMat "Apply Material"  width:130 height:20 align:#left
	button exportobjects "Export Selected Objects" width:130 height:20 align:#left
	button closeinterface "Exit" width:130 height:20 align:#left
        -- Events
	on animateobject pressed do
		for i=1 to 60 by 10 do
			with animate on at time i (if selection.count != 0 do for o in selection do rotate o h)
	on btn_browse pressed do
		usersimage = getOpenFileName caption: "Select Your Image" filename:maxFilepath types: "Images (*.bmp;)|*.bmp"
	on btn_aplyMat pressed do
		if selection.count == 0 then messageBox "Select some objects!" else
			for o in selection do o.material = standardMaterial diffuseMap:(Bitmaptexture fileName:usersimage) showInViewport:true
	on exportobjects pressed do
		if selection.count == 0 then messageBox "Select objects!" else
			exportFile exportpath using:ObjExp selectedonly:on
	on closeinterface pressed do (destroydialog test_button)
createDialog test_button 160 100


Shade926's picture

Ive just edited all my code

Ive just edited all my code so it follows your format and it works perfectly now..

Thanks Alot

Shade926's picture

My code is obviously a

My code is obviously a mess!

When i put your code in i still get a syntax error occuring on:

on btn_browse pressed do

It comes up with:
-- Syntax error: at on, expected while
-- In line: on b

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