to get full path in listbox

this is good scripter source .
that is directory list box script.

when i select list box item ,i would like to know full path name .

first of all , pls make directory in c

c:temp - a - aa
- b - bb
- c - cc
- d - dd

materialib_path = "c:\\temp\\"
paths_array = #()
paths_array_list = #()
current_files = #()
bitmap_count = #()
fn matlist a b = ()
fn get_info = ()
fn build_paths path count =
	count = count + 1
	append paths_array path 
	append paths_array_list count
	dir_array = GetDirectories (path  + "*")
	if dir_array.count > 0 then
		for i = 1 to dir_array.count do
			build_paths dir_array[i] count
	return paths_array
fn makeoffsets li =
	list = deepcopy li
	for i = 1 to list.count do
		ins = ""
		level = 1
		while level < paths_array_list[i] do
			level = level + 1
			ins = ins + "     "
		list[i] = ins + list[i]
	return list
fn format_list list =
	r = deepcopy  list
	if r.count != 0 then
		for i = 1 to r.count do
			l = r[i]
			res = filterString l "\\"
			r[i] = res[(res.count)]
	return r
fn format_extensions list = 
	r = deepcopy list
	for i = 1 to r.count do
		r[i] = (filterString r[i] ".")[1]
	return r

rollout materialib_rollout "111_materiaLIB v0.2" width:300 height:910
	listbox lbx1 "categories:" pos:[2,24] width:160 height:55 items:#("ddd", "eee")
	on materialib_rollout open do 
		matlist 1 materialib_rollout
		paths_array = #()
		build_paths materialib_path 0
		lbx1.items =  makeoffsets (format_list paths_array)
	on lbx1 selected sel do
		matlist sel materialib_rollout
		paths_array = #()
		ssss = #()
		build_paths materialib_path 0
		lbx1.items =  makeoffsets (format_list paths_array)
	on lbx1 doubleClicked sel do
on lbx2 selected sel do
on lbx2 doubleClicked sel do
fn matlist sel materialib_rollout =
fn get_file_count file =
fn get_info sel materialib_rollout =
createdialog materialib_rollout style:#(#style_minimizebox, #style_titlebar, #style_sysmenu)


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dussla's picture

really thank you

really thank you again
work is good

barigazy's picture


Try to respect forum rule


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