V-ray "unattended" start render
I looking for idea, or solution that when 3Ds Max start, then Vray immediately render some prepared scene file without any user action.
google doesn't help. And i think somehow "distributed rendering" (vraystdspawner.exe) is the key, i dont know how... Dont get me wrong please, in no how to distributed render. I use one PC but i think distributed render can be use for this
I use 3Dsmax2022 vray5
Any ideas?
HeiI made some progress.
I made some progress. Maybe its not correct, but almost working. Only problem, when script start, then 3DsMax pops up "save scene" dialog. I click Dont save, then everything working, and start render, as i axpected. Can i skip save scene dialog somehow?
I Have two lines:
actionMan.executeAction 0 "203" -- File: Last File 1
actionMan.executeAction 0 "50031"
Startp script -> Callbacks ->
Startp script -> Callbacks -> #postSystemStartup: Sent when the software goes live.
Tools and Scripts for Autodesk 3dsMax
Thank you
Looks promising. But can you littlebit specific?
Do i need write script for this? Where i put this script? How i insert "myfileforrender.max"
Sorry for messy text. My
Sorry for messy text. My English is bad. "in no how to distributed render" i mean i know how to distributed render...