vertex scaling

I'm trying to scale a selection of vertices on two axes only using

scale $.selectedVerts [1.12935,1.12935,1]

It's what's the scriptlistener is spewing out
It doesn't seem to work in either local or world space. I've also tried with the object referenced as well:

scale $ship.selectedVerts [1.12935,1.12935,1]

So what's wrong with this picture?


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Anubis's picture

scale verts?

realy have no idea how you record this "scale $.selectedVerts [1.12935,1.12935,1]" with MacroRecorder...

-- this should works
vSel = $.selectedVerts
in coordsys local for v in vSel do
    v.pos *= [1.12935,1.12935,1]

my recent MAXScripts RSS (archive here)

ghoulfool's picture

Anubis, After collapsing the

After collapsing the mesh the scale script works a treat. Thank you kindly.

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