Vray Properties Callbacks

I have connected my script spinner to vray environment multiplier, and now I want to do conversely. The new value of vray environment should update my spinner. Do I have to use callbacks? If so, than what type of callbacks should I use? Is there some special callbacks for vray properties?


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pixamoon's picture


I'm not sure if there is a callback for this but you can use just timer:

try(destroyDialog ::abc)catch()
rollout abc "abc"
	spinner sp1 "Env" 
	timer tm1 interval:250
	on abc open do sp1.value = renderers.current.environment_gi_color_multiplier
	on sp1 changed e do renderers.current.environment_gi_color_multiplier = sp1.value
	on tm1 tick do if sp1.value != renderers.current.environment_gi_color_multiplier then sp1.value = renderers.current.environment_gi_color_multiplier
createDialog abc
chooj's picture


please, can you explain how this works?

pixamoon's picture


take a look here:


chooj's picture


thanks for help!

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