watch folder for automatic step to max conversion
Is there anyone who knows how to set up a watch folder with maxscript?
I would like my maxscript to continuously look for new step-files in a specific folder and then import and save a max-file in a new location.
I've read somewhere you can use dotnet within maxscript to accomplish this task but i need further instructions to make this happen.
Best regards, Henrik
Use a timer - maxscript timer or dotnet timer.
Download the UVPipe mod script. In the code a timer is used to check a certain folder. When in that folder an obj file is created then the script execute the rest of the code. The same can be used by you.
Tools and Scripts for Autodesk 3dsMax
Hi Where can I find this
Where can I find this script so I can edit it? I can only find .mzp versions of UVPipe mod.
Best regards, Henrik
MZP is zip, but with changed name. Download .MZP, extrac the files and you will find the script.
Tools and Scripts for Autodesk 3dsMax