clone reference object with instanced modifier

for example there are 3 objects - one source and two References with common instanced modifiers.

need to clone those 3 objects and keep all modifiers instanced, but source object as Copy

I mean there will be two different source objects, each of it has two Reference clones and all four References has instanced modifiers

please specify cost of script and i will pay via PayPal


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brainsgonedead's picture

Curious of this script

Hi, did this script get made and if so is it publicly available? Buy or Free or to look at a demo online???


harumscarum's picture

just emailed you. thanks

just emailed you. thanks

miauu's picture


Send me a scene with:
- 3 objects - one sourece and two references with instanced modifiers
- another 3 objects, manually created/modified. They will be the final result.

I think you know that some modifiers in 3dsMax can't be copied.

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