about layers display box mode

all way thank you

i am sorry many ask ~

i have problem again

i made dispay box mode about layers

there is many layer in scene
i would like to control viewport

i thought 4 routine

1. if i select object ,
then display all layer except current selected object layer with boxmode

2. if i select object ,
then display current layer objects except current selected object with boxmode

3. if i select object , only current layer displayed with boxmode

4. all layers box mode on -> off

that routine is diffcult to me ~~
pls help me again


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barigazy's picture


Anubis was posted exelent example a while back.
U can combine this with #selectionSetChanged callback to perform different tasks.
Also you remeber this tool



dussla's picture

i solve that but there is probelm

i sloved almost all
good thank you

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