selected object material bitmap gamma override adjust

i have a problem also
i have old version max scene
i would like to change diffuse map gamma ?
if i select ojbects , i would like to change diffuse gamma override 1 -> 2,2
how can i do that ?


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barigazy's picture


This can be done only manually, because this option is not exposed via mxs


dussla's picture

i refered some script and maked

i made this
but that is not work

fn GetBitmapTextures theObjects =
-- Because some submaps can also contain submaps we have to collect materials first, and then still append subMapContainers in the loop bitmapTextureMaps loop
subMapContainers = #()
for obj in theObjects do
if obj.material != undefined then
submatcount = getNumSubMtls obj.material
for i in 1 to submatcount do
append subMapContainers (getSubMtl obj.material i)
append subMapContainers (obj.material)
bitmapTextureMaps = #()
for subMapContainer in subMapContainers do
subtexcount = getNumSubTexmaps subMapContainer
for i in 1 to subtexcount do
theSubTexMap = (getSubTexMap subMapContainer i)
if theSubTexMap != undefined then
if (getNumSubTexmaps theSubTexMap) > 0 then
append subMapContainers theSubTexMap
else if classof theSubTexMap == bitmapTexture then

if theSubTexMap.gamma==1 then

theSubTexMap=bitmap theSubTexMap.width theSubTexMap.height filename:theSubTexMap.filename gamma:newgamma
append bitmapTextureMaps theSubTexMap
makeUniqueArray bitmapTextureMaps

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