Accurate Vertex Aligning

I came across a script over at


It's called VertsAligner v1.0. Basically you create a spline, select verts and and snap them to the problem is the spline has the identical number of vert's but the script just plops them onto the spline and a still have to go through the tedious snapping of each individual spline.

Can this script be modified to snap vert to vert ?

Here's a video of the problem







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asymptote's picture

Here's new link, it's the

Here's new link, it's the last stage of the process, I can't get the verts to snap.

thx for looking.

Graph's picture

video gone moar details pls

video gone
moar details pls ;)

Raphael Steves

asymptote's picture

Bump, I'm still looking for a

Bump, I'm still looking for a solution to this.
Any suggestions?


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