Allow multiple gizmos toggle button
Hello there,
I wonder if someone could write a scripted button to toggle the "allow multiple gizmos" function in the preferences dialog. Since I need that function often and dont have any expierence in MAX-Script that would be quite nice for me to not always go to preferences dialog an toggle that function on and off. I didnt find anything in the keyboard- and toolbars-functions... so if someone knows how to make a button for this pls let me know.
Thanks for reading and have a nice day *ggg*
Greetz from Germany
hai, fine. there are lot of
fine. there are lot of gizmos available to every spacified operation. but, i am very keen about new custom gizmo say that would suitable for both bend and taper(adjustable within the veiwport not using the modifier rollut).
Try dragging the
Try dragging the following line of code onto a toolbar:
tmGizmos.ShowMultipleTransformGizmos = not tmGizmos.ShowMultipleTransformGizmos
That should toggle between multiple gizmos on/off