Bounding box of selected faces
Hi guys, how´s going?
i know there´s some scripts of "create bounding box" objetcs, that creates a box over the selected objects (like this one - I need a script that makes the same thing, but only in the selected faces (or any sub-object, but mostly faces). I found this one - - and it does what i want, but it too "complicated", i need something quicker. Does anyone can help me? I tried to do it using max listener, detaching the faces as a copy and then creating a bounding box using the new object, but for some reason it doesn´t work all the times.
Thanks in advance,
Now I saw(in Brakno's image) that my solution not works with rotated objects.
Here the fixed code. It works with rotated object, but if the objet is rotated ad sub-object level it will not work.
There is one very ugly line of code, but with it all matrix/math operations are skipped. :)
Tools and Scripts for Autodesk 3dsMax
Definitely we have to go back to elementary school to learn matrix.
Life is easier with knowledge of the matrix, no more mambo-jambo-pseudo codes.
You last code works fine. Now try to rotate object and resetXForm and then try code. Again matrix problem :)
Ii will not works in this
Ii will not works in this case. The sama as when the object is rotated at sub-object level.
But it is better than nothing. :)
You can continue to fight with the matrix. I give up.:)
Tools and Scripts for Autodesk 3dsMax
I give Up before U (after I posted my concept). I tried with matrix there but without of luck.
The corrected code:
Branko is right. Matrix in all 3dCAD sfoftware is for people who knows much about math. I am not one of them.
That's why I use Anubis code - no Matrix and Mat operations at all.
Tools and Scripts for Autodesk 3dsMax
This is combination of two scripts, written by Anubis.
You have to optimize the code.
Tools and Scripts for Autodesk 3dsMax
I have different concept but still not good
This is the result of theses two examples

Hey Barigazy, i tried your
Hey Barigazy, i tried your code here, but i got strange results. My first test results ok:
but the second got wrong:
Thanks man,
My method is wrong. Try to rotate object and you'll see.
I love Matrix movie but matrix in max is pain in the ... :)
Only few people know how to deal with it. Bobo and DenisT.
Kostadin are you here to confirm this :)