Check Meshes For 2nd UV Channel

I'm in of a bit of a pinch got a lot of objects in a scene looking to export out into a engine. Seems I miss giving some objects UV's. Would need to figure a way to get a list of what objects don't have a second UV channel for light maps.


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vusta's picture

i hacked this...

to get this: so you see if there's less than the 2 default channels (0 for vc and 1 as the default UV) the objects will be hasn't got an extra 'light map' channel....again, I STRESS, I hacked this...okay...cos it was really old...2005...and I'm not a mxs expert...

fn getNumUVChannels obj = (
count = 0
if classof obj == Editable_Poly then
for i in 1 to polyOp.getNumMaps obj do
if polyOp.getMapSupport obj i then count += 1
if classof obj == editable_mesh then
for i in 1 to meshOp.getNumMaps obj do
if meshOp.getMapSupport obj i then count += 1

return count

for o in geometry do
if getNumUVChannels o < 2 then (
selectmore o

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