Deleted isoloted vertices
I'm after a script that can select delete isolated vertices and center pivot point on editpoly and editmesh ( but not lofts, sweeps and objects with modifiers on them)
I have models coming from Archicad exported with the lumion exporter, theres isolated vertices all over the place, making the scene hard to handle.
Selecting all of the models and applying edtipoly or editmesh takes 3dsmax a long time, selecting isolated vertices, hitting delete and centering pivot point.
So i have to do it in batches, but a script would be very handy :)
So do I have to put the every
So do I have to put the every objects name in for it to work ?
Is there way it can automatically search the scene for editpoly editmesh run the deleted isolated vertices, center pivot and reset xform ?
Oh the xform is new, I tried to use the listener to see the log command for it and it didn't show up.
thanks that works on selected
thanks that works on selected objects, is there anyway to make it so it works on objects in the scene that aren't selected ?
In the code below fill the objsToAffectArr with the objects that you want to manipulate. There is no need those objects to be selected.
Tools and Scripts for Autodesk 3dsMax
i would say that's a piece of cake for the maxscript experts
which I am not...I think it's just a 'collect' superclass geometry then apply the same logic...I wouldn't be able to provide an elegant and robust solution as a real wait for them..shouldn't be too long...come on all you gurus...
in the mean time here's my amateurish attempt:
(so basically it's just an extra collect step at the start)
select(for geo in geometry collect geo)
for obj in (selection as array) do
( if classOf obj == editable_mesh then
meshop.deleteIsoVerts obj
else if classOf obj == editable_poly then
obj.EditablePoly.deleteIsoVerts () )
here's a very basic one...
delete isolated vertices
So do I have to put the every objects name in for it to work ?
Is there way it can automatically search the scene for editpoly editmesh run the deleted isolated vertices, center pivot and reset xform ?
Oh the xform is new, I tried to use the listener to see the log command for it and it didn't show up.
what about this...
objsToAffectArr = for geo in geometry collect geo
(nothing about centering/reset Xform tho...)