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Export group's name to excel (xlsm) or notepad .txt or .doc etc
Submitted by Gabriel Corazza on Sun, 2014-08-10 14:53
I am needing to export only the group name without exporting the names of objects, only the group name on a list to send the client to separate the furniture, lighting etc.
Is it possible?
I don't know abouth that limitation because never before print that count. Probabli is some memory problem. This works (1 million lines *.txt file)
fn printAllGroups txtFile =
(array = for i in 1 to 1e6 collect i as string ; gc light:on
(dotnetclass "System.IO.File").WriteAllLines txtFile array)
printAllGroups @"c:\temp\numbers.txt"
Branko, for some reason(unknown to me) WriteAllLines have one dissadvantage - it can't print more than 80 000 lines. I think that was the correct number, or it is close to the correct.
In the past I created a script that prints about 300 000 lines in a single file. Then I discover that WriteAllLines can't help in such a situation.
fn printAllGroups txtFile =
helper = for node in helpers where isGroupHead node collect
if helper.count == 0 then messageBox "No Groups in the scene!" title:"INFO" beep:off else((dotnetclass "System.IO.File").WriteAllLines txtFile helper ; free helper
printAllGroups @"c:\temp\SceneGroups.txt"
I don't know abouth that limitation because never before print that count. Probabli is some memory problem. This works (1 million lines *.txt file)
I have to find the script and the exact problem with writealllines.
Tools and Scripts for Autodesk 3dsMax
Branko, for some reason(unknown to me) WriteAllLines have one dissadvantage - it can't print more than 80 000 lines. I think that was the correct number, or it is close to the correct.
In the past I created a script that prints about 300 000 lines in a single file. Then I discover that WriteAllLines can't help in such a situation.
Tools and Scripts for Autodesk 3dsMax
BTW you can choose any file extension (.doc, .txt, xlsm)
Try this fn. Also change filename path
It's Perfect! That was very fast. I'm impressed.
Thank you very much. I can make a donation in return?