Hausdorff Distance Script

Hi guys!

I'm looking for some help with a script for Max based on the Hausdorff Distance method to simplify meshes based on their similarity with the original one.

The idea here is to integrate this script with the ProOptimizer modifier, so the script can find the best moment to stop simplification based on the mesh similarities and tolerance pre-defined by the user!

(For people wondering what's the real difference to a regular ProOptimizer, to clarify, it's the fact that Pro doesn't really know when to stop, and really destroys the mesh completely if you keep squeezing it... so a nice way to stop is by measuring the similarities and stopping *automatically*)

I'm no programmer, but an artist looking for speeding up the content creation for games with LODs. Any programmer could help out here?

Some good basis to start this I think would be these below... An algorithm to do this already exists in MeshLab, it's this "Hausdorff Distance"

I thank anyone keen to help here!!


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barigazy's picture


This topic is interesting but I suggest you to post it also on CGTalk forum


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