About this site
ScriptSpot is a diverse online community of artists and developers who come together to find and share scripts that empower their creativity with 3ds Max. Our users come from all parts of the world and work in everything from visual effects to gaming, architecture, students or hobbyists.
thank you !
I am truly grateful.After one copy/pastes about 300 coordinates from one place to another one by one, you really start to appreciate having a script that is able to do this.
And for that reason knowing MXS is good. :)
I started to learn it because I had a similar probem
YOU are my hero ! Thank you !
YOU are my hero ! Thank you !
And to write to .txt use next snippet (Change folder path if u want)
one more thing
If it`s not too much trouble, i was wondering, can the returned values be somehow formatted in the text file ? Right now they look like this ( example [44.0106,-31.4628,0] ). Unfortunately the application in which i need to bring them has the Y-axis as Up-axis and this means i have to edit them one by one to replace Z with the Y.Is there a solution to this ? Thank you.
Like this
I might not be doing
I might not be doing something right.It doesn't work, i get this message "-- Unknown property: "x" in undefined"
Damn parentheses :). Try now
That did it.It works ! Thank you once again.
I never played with this before.
To save position to .txt file is easy part but to find CV positions is not.
This is first part.
I created two CV_Curve and then attach. Anyway this is the code which will print some info in Listener