Select all objects consecutivly along axis

Would like to be able to multi select objects consecutively along + or - XYZ axis. (Example: so that they are selected in order from left to right along X axis)

As it stands right now selecting multiple objects at once seems to randomize the order.


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barigazy's picture


This can help

fn sortByAxis arr1 arr2 axis: maxtomin: =
	local first, second
	case axis of 
		(#x): (first = arr1.pos.x ; second = arr2.pos.x)
		(#y): (first = arr1.pos.y ; second = arr2.pos.y)
		(#z): (first = arr1.pos.z ; second = arr2.pos.z)
	case of (
		(first < second): if not maxtomin then -1 else 1
		(first > second): if not maxtomin then 1 else -1
-- example 
delete objects
cnt = 1
objArr = for c in #(Box, Teapot, Cylinder, Cone, Sphere) collect (obj = c pos:[(cnt*50), 0, 0] ; cnt+=1 ; obj)
qsort objArr sortByAxis axis:#x maxtomin:off -- selected in order from left to right along X axis
print objArr
--qsort objArr sortByAxis axis:#x maxtomin:on -- selected in order from right to left along X axis


barigazy's picture


As you can see you can choose any axis and sorting order ei:
-> if you set #x axis and "maxtomin" argument is "off" then objects array is sorted
along x-axis from left to right
-> if you set #z axis and "maxtomin" argument is "on" then objects array is sorted
along z-axis from top to bottom
It's easy pretty much :)


barigazy's picture


This is another example of QSort method


tuxmask75's picture

This is just what I needed..

This is just what I needed.. however how do you ignore objects on hidden layers ?

barigazy's picture


To collect all not hidden objects just use

for o in objects where not o.isHidden collect o

At least try to read MXS help


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