Hide\Show Toolbars

Maybe someone know how i can hide or show some toolbars ( main and custom) by maxscript? Would like to make on\off button for toolbars


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delorean1988's picture
delorean1988's picture

cui.showToolbarDisplays the

Displays the Toolbar specified by name.
Returns True on success, False if the toolbar name does not exist.
Available in 3ds Max 2014 and higher.
cui.showToolbar "Brush Presets"

Is it possible to do for the method cui.showToolbar false value? Want to make the on\off button for some toolbars

uiaccessor.closedialog (windows.getchildhwnd 0 "Brush Presets")[1]

This close Brush Presets toolbar only when it is undocked. How can it make same with docked toolbar or first make toolbar floated and then close them?

Found solution

uiaccessor.closedialog (windows.getChildHWND #max "Brush Presets")[1]

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