make script of repetitive task
Hi, I am novice to max scripting and I m wondering it there is way to make script button for some repetitive task in 3dsmax, as an example, i do lot of mesh cleaning for some imported objects many times, like..
"convert mesh to poly"
then select vertex mode - select all
then weld them to 0.001 threshold
then select Optimize modifier
select LOD - Face Threshold
Auto Edge
now select Edit Poly Modifier on that n "Collapse To"
I have tried Macro Recorder but it didn't work for me.
Please guide me how to do that thing n make button.
Seems pretty easy, but you
Seems pretty easy, but you probably you won't get very hard using just the macro recorder. Have a look at the maxscript reference. You can use convertToPoly() to convert a mesh to editable poly, and check"Editable_Poly Methods" for ways of accessing editable poly instructions trough maxscript. The reference will also tell you how to add modifiers.
Well to tell you the truth I
Well to tell you the truth I don't know how to do that in maxscript but maybe you can discuss that in cgsociety in maxscript section :
(Thrust me this is the best forum ever for CG)
and hope there some will willingly making you a script that you want for free!! but don't forget practice your skill in maxscript couse you'll need that someday!
best regard,
Hi Fajar, I am importing
Hi Fajar, I am importing STEP files from powernurbs into 3dsmax and then doing some clean-up tasks like, welding, n optimizing. so all I want to do is make a script button by which my routine task finish automatically by selecting mesh n hit button, n it will save my lot of time.
_|| JILESH ||_
Well I'm tooo!! 1. Hey maybe
Well I'm tooo!!
1. Hey maybe I can suggest to use rappa tool for modeling 2. watching 101 maxscript tutorial for LOD
3. use for cleand junk vertex
4. if you must clean the angulator of a mesh
5. max retopo if you want get better result of imported obj!
Tell me from what software do you import!? Maya, Zbrush or what!!?