Material Property adjustment to Entire Scene

Hello - I want to be able to change values such as below to the entire scene. I use VRay materials. It would be nice if it can do it for every types of materials.

1- texmap diffuse filtering to the entire scene. There are three options.

Pyramidal .texmap_diffuse.filtering = 0
Summed Area .texmap_diffuse.filtering = 1
None .texmap_diffuse.filtering = 2

2- Change blur of ONLY diffuse maps to value I set.

.texmap_diffuse.coords.blur = (value i set)

3- Change Gamma on the map to value i define.



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barigazy's picture


You can use similar method that I described in previous thread.


xathletic01x's picture


No problem do you have link to the previous thread? Thanks

barigazy's picture
xathletic01x's picture

Here is where I am at

I was able to create it until this point but now i am stuck :).

1- I want to be able to change spinner value for blur and RGBlevel have decimal point. "example .001"

2- Filtering to be able to look at what i have selected in process on. scene material or selected objects. Filtering also doesn't work on multimaterials.

Hope you can help. Thanks

try(destroyDialog ::dtrRoll)catch()
rollout Dproperty "Diffuse Property" width:162 height:300
	local VAR
	label lbl "Process on:" pos:[10,10] width:56 height:13
	label lbl8 "Filtering:" pos:[10,126] width:56 height:13
	radiobuttons rb "" pos:[8,25] width:104 height:32 labels:#("Scene Material", "Selected Objects") columns:1
	radiobuttons filt "" pos:[10,140] width:89 height:48 labels:#("Pyramidal", "Summed Area", "None") columns:1
	spinner spn "Tex Blur Value" pos:[10,75] width:111 height:16 range:[-1,10,0.01] type:#integer fieldwidth:30
	spinner spnrgbl "RGB Level Value" pos:[19,229] width:111 height:16 range:[0,1,0.7] type:#integer fieldwidth:30
	button btnblur "Blur Value" pos:[10,95] width:124 height:18
	button btnfilt "filtering" pos:[8,192] width:124 height:21
	button btnrgbl "RGB Level Value" pos:[10,251] width:124 height:18
fn ProcessBlur m =
		if isKindOf m VRayMtl then if m.texmap_diffuse != null do m.texmap_diffuse.coords.blur = spn.value
			else if isKindOf m Multimaterial then m.material1.texmap_diffuse.coords.blur = spn.value 
fn ProcessRGBlevel m =
		if isKindOf m VRayMtl then if m.texmap_diffuse != null do m.texmap_diffuse.output.rgb_level = spnrgbl.value
			else if isKindOf m Multimaterial then m.material1.texmap_diffuse.output.rgb_level = spnrgbl.value
on btnblur pressed do
		with undo off with redraw off
			case rb.state of 
				1: for m in scenematerials do ProcessBlur m
				2: for o = 1 to selection.count where selection[o].material != null do ProcessBlur selection[o].material
on btnrgbl pressed do
		with undo off with redraw off
			case rb.state of 
				1: for m in scenematerials do ProcessRGBlevel m
				2: for o = 1 to selection.count where selection[o].material != null do ProcessRGBlevel selection[o].material
	on btnfilt pressed do
		with undo off with redraw off
			case filt.state of 
				1: for m in scenematerials do m.texmap_diffuse.filtering = 0
				2: for m in scenematerials do m.texmap_diffuse.filtering = 1
				3: for m in scenematerials do m.texmap_diffuse.filtering = 2
createDialog dproperty 140 300 style:#(#style_titlebar, #style_sysmenu, #style_toolwindow)
barigazy's picture


#1. Type of your spinners for "Blur" and "RGBVal" need to be "float" (not "integer")

#2. In previous thread I give U an answer for Multimaterial problem


barigazy's picture


Let say U have two spinners (if U not assigne "type" argument spinner will be float type)

spinner spn_blur "Blur" range:[-1e3,1e3,1]
spinner spn_rgbLevel "RgbLevel" range:[-1e3,1e3,1]

Then U can use recursive function (I also added suport for other material types)

fn process m type: blurVal: rgbVal: = 
	if isKindOf m VRayMtl and m.texmap_diffuse != undefined then
		case type of
			#blur: m.texmap_diffuse.coords.blur = blurVal
			#RGBLevel: m.texmap_diffuse.coords.blur = rgbVal
	else if (isKindOf m Multimaterial or isKindOf m CompositeMaterial) then (for sm in m.materialList where isKindOf sm material do process m)
	else if isKindOf m VRay2SidedMtl then (process m.frontmtl ; process m.backmtl)
	else if isKindOf m VRayBlendMtl then (process m.baseMtl ; for i = 1 to 9 do process m.coatMtl[i])
	else if isKindOf m VrayOverrideMtl then (for i in 1 to getNumSubMtls m do process (getSubMtl m i))
	else if isKindOf m VrayMtlWrapper then (process m.baseMtl)
	else if isKindOf m Blend then (process m.MAP1 ; process m.MAP2)

Type argument can be #blur or #RGBLevel

process obj.mat type:#blur blurVal:spn_blur.value rgbVal:spn_rgbLevel
process obj.mat type:#RGBLevel blurVal:spn_blur.value rgbVal:spn_rgbLevel


xathletic01x's picture

Thank you

float type worked! fn I am struggling with but i think i'll have to keep working on it. I'll look into it more in detail. Thank you for sharing knowledge!

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