Modification on this script... 3d ui align set a minimum handle length

I tried contacting the creator but no luck.

The script works great, but there is one annoying thing, the handle length is based on the selection of the verts. So if you have verts that are just slightly off and you run the script you have to zoom in a lot to see which handle alignment you are activating.

Basically i would like the handles to have a set minimum length so they are easy to see and select.

Anyone out there that could modify it to work, would be much appreciated.


here is the script:

-- 3D UI Vertex Align Tool v1.0 --
-- Created by Trent Fealy --
-- --

global VertexAligner
global draw = false

global SelectedPoint = 0
global X = #([0,0,0], [0,0,0], [0,0,0])
global Y = #([0,0,0], [0,0,0], [0,0,0])
global Z = #([0,0,0], [0,0,0], [0,0,0])

global P = #([0,0,0], [0,0,0])

global screenpoints= #([0,0,0], [0,0,0], [0,0,0], [0,0,0], [0,0,0], [0,0,0], [0,0,0])

global BitVertArray
global VertArray
global amount

fn Align =

selectionarray = getCurrentSelection()

if classOf selectionarray[1] == Editable_Poly do
BitVertArray = polyop.getVertSelection selectionarray[1]
VertArray = BitVertArray as array
amount = BitVertArray.count
print "asda"
for i = 1 to amount do
if BitVertArray[i] == true do
original = polyop.getVert selectionarray[1] i

if SelectedPoint == 1 do

if SelectedPoint == 2 do

if SelectedPoint == 3 do

if SelectedPoint == 4 do

if SelectedPoint == 5 do

if SelectedPoint == 6 do

polyop.setVert selectionarray[1] i original




fn AlignInfo =
selectionarray = getCurrentSelection()

if classOf selectionarray[1] == Editable_Poly do
BitVertArray = polyop.getVertSelection selectionarray[1]
VertArray = BitVertArray as array
amount = BitVertArray.count

init = false

for i = 1 to amount do
if BitVertArray[i] == true do
original = polyop.getVert selectionarray[1] i

if init == false do
X[1][1]= original[1]
X[2][1]= original[1]

Y[1][2]= original[2]
Y[2][2]= original[2]

Z[1][3]= original[3]
Z[2][3]= original[3]

init = true

if original[1] < X[1][1] do
X[1][1] = original[1]
if original[1] > X[2][1] do
X[2][1] = original[1]

if original[2] < Y[1][2] do
Y[1][2] = original[2]
if original[2] > Y[2][2] do
Y[2][2] = original[2]

if original[3] < Z[1][3] do
Z[1][3] = original[3]
if original[3] > Z[2][3] do
Z[2][3] = original[3]


X[3][1] = X[1][1] + (X[2][1] - X[1][1] ) /2

Y[3][2] = Y[1][2] + (Y[2][2] - Y[1][2] ) /2

Z[3][3] = Z[1][3] + (Z[2][3] - Z[1][3] ) /2


fn redrawviews_callback_function =

if draw == true do
X[1][2] = Y[3][2]
X[1][3] = Z[3][3]

X[2][2] = Y[3][2]
X[2][3] = Z[3][3]

X[3][2] = Y[3][2]
X[3][3] = Z[3][3]

Y[1][1] = X[3][1]
Y[1][3] = Z[3][3]

Y[2][1] = X[3][1]
Y[2][3] = Z[3][3]

Z[1][1] = X[3][1]
Z[1][2] = Y[3][2]

Z[2][1] = X[3][1]
Z[2][2] = Y[3][2]

gw.setTransform(Matrix3 1)
p[1]= gw.wTransPoint X[1]

gw.setTransform(Matrix3 1)
p[2] = gw.wTransPoint X[2]

gw.setTransform(Matrix3 1)
mid = gw.wTransPoint X[3]

screenpoints[1] = p[1]
screenpoints[2] = p[2]

gw.setColor #line [50,171,248]
gw.wPolyline p false
gw.wMarker p[1] #smallDiamond color:[0,30,255]
gw.wMarker p[2] #smallDiamond color:[0,30,255]

gw.wMarker mid #smallDiamond color:[0,30,255]

gw.setTransform(Matrix3 1)
p[1]= gw.wTransPoint Y[1]

gw.setTransform(Matrix3 1)
p[2] = gw.wTransPoint Y[2]

screenpoints[3] = p[1]
screenpoints[4] = p[2]

gw.setColor #line [50,171,248]
gw.wPolyline p false
gw.wMarker p[1] #smallDiamond color:[0,30,255]
gw.wMarker p[2] #smallDiamond color:[0,30,255]

gw.setTransform(Matrix3 1)
p[1]= gw.wTransPoint Z[1]

gw.setTransform(Matrix3 1)
p[2] = gw.wTransPoint Z[2]

screenpoints[5] = p[1]
screenpoints[6] = p[2]

screenpoints[7] = mid

gw.setColor #line [50,171,248]
gw.wPolyline p false
gw.wMarker p[1] #smallDiamond color:[0,30,255]
gw.wMarker p[2] #smallDiamond color:[0,30,255]

if SelectedPoint > 0 do
gw.wMarker screenpoints[SelectedPoint] #circle color:green
gw.enlargeUpdateRect #whole


fn newselection ev nd =

tool MouseAlign
local MousePosition = [0,0,0]
local ClosestDistance =10

on freeMove do
SelectedPoint =0
ClosestDistance =10
for i =1 to screenpoints.count do
screenpoints[i][3] = 0
PointDistance = distance MousePosition screenpoints[i]
if PointDistance < ClosestDistance do
SelectedPoint = i
ClosestDistance = PointDistance
on mousePoint clickno do
if SelectedPoint > 0 do
VertexAligner.bbox.state = false
draw = false


on mouseMove clickno do
SelectedPoint =0
ClosestDistance =10
for i =1 to screenpoints.count do
screenpoints[i][3] = 0
PointDistance = distance MousePosition screenpoints[i]
if PointDistance < ClosestDistance do
SelectedPoint = i
ClosestDistance = PointDistance

on mouseAbort clickno do
VertexAligner.bbox.state = false
draw = false


rollout VertexAligner "3D UI Vertex Aligner"

checkbutton bbox "Align"

on bbox changed state do
if state == on do (
draw = true
startTool MouseAlign


on VertexAligner open do
unregisterRedrawViewsCallback redrawviews_callback_function
registerRedrawViewsCallback redrawviews_callback_function

on VertexAligner close do
unregisterRedrawViewsCallback redrawviews_callback_function
stopTool MouseAlign


createdialog VertexAligner width:100 height:100 style:#(#style_toolwindow,#style_resizing,#style_sysmenu)


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airbrush's picture

Thanks for the modification.

Thanks for the modification.

br0t's picture

try using " ... " (without

try using ["code] ... [/code"] (without the ") to make your posted code more readable

Never get low & slow & out of ideas

miauu's picture
airbrush's picture

Anyone care to crack at

Anyone care to crack at it?


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