Multi/subobject name to material name

Does anybody know of a script that will automate the copying of the mutisubobject name into the corresponding material name and/or vice versa.

Or... does anyone fancy having a go at creating this extremely useful bit of script? Sure you'd be very popular if did.

Many thanks



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Kstudio's picture
inigomontoya's picture

Anton, This will save me


This will save me time, not to mention irritation. Thanks so much. Plus it's simple enough for my wee brain to understand. Just might look into learning a little scripting. Teach a man to fish...

Do you have a paypal account? I'd love to buy you a beer or two. :)

Anton Berg's picture

Haha a beer is always nice!

Haha a beer is always nice! Glad it helped.

I have a donation button on my page ... but I am just glad it helped you. My knowledge is mainly based on other sites that helped me when I started this. So hopefully I can copy one of your scripts in the future!

Anton Berg

Anton Berg's picture

This snippet takes the

This snippet takes the materialname and puts in the nameslot of the multisubObject material

To use this... copy paste this between the "-----" and into a new script in 3dsmax. press CTRL+E to evaluate the script when you have a object with multisub material selected.

Select a object that has a multisubobject material applied to it and run the script. You

------- start snippet

--get the material of the currently selected object
myMaterial = $.material

for i = 1 to myMaterial.count do
--this line copies the material name to the name slot
myMaterial.names[i] = myMaterial[i].name

--if you want to do the opposite do this
--myMaterial[i].name = myMaterial.names[i]

------- end snippet

Anton Berg

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