Need help: In changing the default export folder
Hey All,
What code (below) needs to be added to get my exported model to use the same folder that the 3Ds Max 9 model folder; in stead of the default Max export folder?
From this: My Documents\3dsmax\export
To Say this: \My Documents\3D Car Game\Models\Cars\Cool Car 01\Cool_Car_01.max
Thanks :-)
fn ExportSelectionToASE suffix =
local sel = (selection as array)
if sel.count < 1 then return false
)catch(return false)
for i = 1 to sel.count do (
select sel[i]
local n = sel[i].name + suffix + ".ase"
format "n = %\n" n
exportFile n #noprompt selectedOnly:true
ExportSelectionToASE ""
Nope this is not working for
Nope this is not working for me. It is still just exporting to "\My Documents\3dsmax\export" folder not the "C:\Cool Car folder"
Thanks for your help on this.
Try this ( fn
Try this
fn ExportSelectionToASE prefix suffix =
local sel = (selection as array)
if sel.count < 1 then return false
)catch(return false)
for i = 1 to sel.count do (
select sel[i]
local n = prefix +"\\"+ sel[i].name + suffix + ".ase"
format "n = %\n" n
exportFile n #noprompt selectedOnly:true
ExportSelectionToASE "C:\\Temp\\CoolCar" ""
Hope this helps
Proud to be a PAKISTANI.
This did not work for me,
This did not work for me, did it work for you?
If you want to use the above
If you want to use the above code as is
PLease make sure that the folder where you are dumping the file into exists already otherwise it wont work.
Add this line after clearselection()
makedir prefix
Proud to be a PAKISTANI.