Point Cloud to MAX

How hard would it be to develop a script to load point cloud files (i.e pts files)
into max and be able to render them?(something like cloud2max)
Here's part of a pts file:
Not sure what the first number is (maybe number of points?) and then x y z coordinates and not sure what the 4th column is and then RGB value of the points?
cloud2max stores points in video card memory (what they say in their website).

-204.68300000 -52.11200000 66666.36100000 2033 237 253 254
-204.61800000 -52.23900000 66666.36100000 2033 236 252 254
-204.61800000 -51.87300000 66666.23200000 2033 218 240 254
-204.77700000 -52.19700000 66666.20900000 2033 239 254 254
-204.48200000 -52.12600000 66666.23300000 2033 248 253 254
-204.25300000 -52.12400000 66666.24900000 2033 242 250 254
-204.04800000 -52.12900000 66666.26400000 2033 171 186 209
-203.75300000 -52.06400000 66666.28700000 2033 144 158 184
-203.60300000 -52.11900000 66666.29600000 2033 156 176 201
-204.64800000 -51.90300000 66666.08700000 2033 225 241 254
-204.67100000 -52.10900000 66666.07800000 2033 248 254 254


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Perfect_Storm's picture

I don't get it. You just want

I don't get it. You just want Clouds2Max but then in script form in stead of plug-in???

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