Remove color correction. Advice needed


I need to make a script, which will find Color Correction Map in all materials with any gamma-correction in diffuse slot, and set gammaRGB to 1.

Need to set gammaRGB for Diffuse slot only, but here for all Color Correction maps:

for m in sceneMaterials do (
	for p in getPropNames m where isKindOf (tex = getProperty m p) textureMap do
		if isKindOf tex Color_Correction do tex.gammaRGB = 1

try to check if slot is Diffuse, but have no luck(

for m in sceneMaterials do (
	for p in getPropNames m where isKindOf (tex = getProperty m p) textureMap do
		if isProperty p #texmapDiffuse do
		if isKindOf tex Color_Correction do tex.gammaRGB = 1


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mpashnin's picture

Here is a solution! for m in

Here is a solution!

for m in sceneMaterials do (
	if isKindOf m CoronaMtl do 
		if isKindOf (tex = m.texmapDiffuse) Color_Correction do tex.gammaRGB = 1

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