Renaming objects with the name of the file itself (Library optimization)

I have in my library some models with very useless and messy names like "kjghfouhg" or "12345" ... There are more than 100, each in a different file. They have distinct characteristics, for example, sometimes they are in a group, sometimes it is just an isolated object or even several objects without a group. I want to rename them with the file name itself. I think it could be very useful if you could make some extra changes in this files, in order to optimize the organization of the libraries. These extra changes could be:

Delete everything that is not a geometry (lights, cameras, etc...)
If there is only 1 object, fine, it remains as object.
Name this single object with the "File name".
If there is more than 1 object, create a group for them.
Change the name of every objects to "File name" + "_CurrentObjectName"
Name this group with the "File Name".
Put everything in a layer with a name that user should inform in the inicial screen.
Put single object/group pivot in its center-botton.
Move the object to position [0,0,0].
If object use V-Ray materials, limit reflect subdvs and refract subdvs to a value informed by user in the inicial screen.


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You can use Library Track/Relink and option Re-Save max files:

and add custom script:

for o in objects do try( = (getFileNameFile maxFileName + "_" +


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