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ScriptSpot is a diverse online community of artists and developers who come together to find and share scripts that empower their creativity with 3ds Max. Our users come from all parts of the world and work in everything from visual effects to gaming, architecture, students or hobbyists.
thanks your website is useful
WhatsApp Windows
:o) You know the float
You know the float limit?
This is good for tha some cases... maybe is a problem if the object there is a parent.
But... good luck ;)
Script Developer - SeagullsFly
Alineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! I love you buddy!!!
it works!!!
I only had to activate the "average weights" option cos the obejct was moving twice the amount it should, because of the two controllers in the List I guess.
I really apreciate your help, but i'm still not really satisfied whith this, i think that there must be a more easy/simple and "elegant" way of doing this. I'll keep trying ;)
Many many thanks Aline, I.O.U a paella ;)
humm... I understand. Try
humm... I understand.
Try this:
1 - Put a Float List in Z_Position;
2 - Put a Float Script in first controller and write:
if ((in coordsys world $Box01.controller[1][3][2].value)<0.0) then in coordsys world $Box01.controller[1][3][2].value = 0
else in coordsys world $Box01.controller[1][3][2].value = in coordsys world $Box01.controller[1][3][2].value
3 - Put a Bezier Float in second controller (avaliable);
4 - Make the second controller as active controller.
Script Developer - SeagullsFly
Try this in Script
Try this in Script controller:
in coordsys world $Object_name.pos.z = 0
Script Developer - SeagullsFly
hi Aline. thanks for your
hi Aline. thanks for your reply ;)
actually, I already have my script working:
if($Box01.pos.z<0.0) then($Box01.pos.z=0.0)
the problem is that every time a release the object and click it to move it again, it inmediatly jumps to z=0.0 even if a leaved it at z=100.0
please, launch Max create a box and try it by yourself, you'll see what i'm talking about.
I'm attaching the script as a Float script to the Z Position track. Am I doing something wrong? I'm using Max 8