script speed is not good

mysel = selection as array
for obj in selection do true
$.ishidden = true
mysel.ishidden = false

in big scene , speed is very slow
is that good idea ?


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miauu's picture

Use with redraw off

with redraw off
-- code here.

or use disableSceneredraw()/enbleSceneRedraw()

barigazy's picture

...hide unselected nodes in the own layer

Yup. As Kostadin said "with redraw off (/*...your code...*/)"

layNames = #()
for o in selection do appendIfUnique layNames
with redraw off
	for i = 1 to layNames.count do
		(LayerManager.getLayerFromName layNames[i]).nodes &theNodes
		hide (for o = 1 to theNodes.count where not theNodes[o].isSelected collect theNodes[o])
	free layNames


dussla's picture

pls i use max9 32bit, that is not work

good good good
thank you really really

barigazy's picture


If you have problem then change 2nd line to

for o in selection where finditem layNames == 0 do append layNames


barigazy's picture

wow man ... max 9

I did not know anything about mxs when I used this version. Maxscript is changed a lot since max9. You will have more problems with newer code.


miauu's picture

Hey, Branko, if I remember

Hey, Branko, if I remember correctly for CheckMate tools contest(TurboSquid), one of the requirements was the tools to support max7. :)
Max 9 with AVG extension is good enough.

barigazy's picture


are you kidding me. That's the challange more then contest.:) Sure max9 is more powerful then max7. Do you remember last comment on these thread on first page :) Denis put very nice(funny) message for max9 and below users.


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