script to delete keys from timeline

Hi I’m looking for away to delete frames from animation timeline.
When im using imported mocap to biped , it puts hundreds of keys down , so i have to go through by hand delete every
4 frames so im only left having every 5th frame left .
is there such a script ???



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mark smith's picture

key reducer

hi its ok founded what i was looking for
thanks for everyone help

Anubis's picture

if no such script then write one

here is something untested, but to get started

-- just for example...
-- [3][1][1] mean Transform/Position/X
track = selection[1][3][1][1].controller
-- select keys by skip each 5th
for i = 1 to track.keys.count where \
mod i 5 != 0 do selectKey track i
-- delete selected keys
deleteKeys track #selection

my recent MAXScripts RSS (archive here)

mark smith's picture


thanks for the reply , im am trying to get it to delete translation rotation and scale .
and working on a biped . thanks for your help mark

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