Vertex selection of vertices inside intersection of two objects

Hi to all,

I have a vertex selection to make on my main object, but selecting those vertices will take probably hours.

If I could select those vertices by choosing as second object that intersects them, that would be great.

So, I would create a second object that intersects with the main object, and all the vertices I want to select are inside that intersection.

Any help is greatly appreciated!



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JokerMartini's picture

You just need to use a volume

You just need to use a volume select to do it.

John Martini
Digital Artist (new site)

Suvdan's picture

I have a same question too

hello, @fernando749845

Did you can select vertices that intersection of two objects?

Hope you'd can resolve this?

Then can you help me, how to select those vertices?

Thanks in advance.

barigazy's picture


fn selectIntersectVerts obj1 obj2 = if intersects obj1 obj2 do
	local tempMeshes = #()
	with redraw off undo off
		tempMeshes[1] = snapShot obj1
		addmodifier tempMeshes[1] (Vol__Select level:1 volume:3 node:obj2)
		obj1.selectedverts = tempMeshes[1].selectedverts
		tempMeshes[2] = snapShot obj2
		addmodifier tempMeshes[2] (Vol__Select level:1 volume:3 node:obj1)
		obj2.selectedverts = tempMeshes[2].selectedverts
		delete tempMeshes

-- example for testing
Create two spheres and place it to intersect each other.
This two spheres you need to convert to Epoly or Emesh
Select both and run this line

selectIntersectVerts selection[1] selection[2]

go to modify panel and select verts sub-selection to see the result


fernando749845's picture

Found it, it's the Volume

Found it, it's the Volume Select Modifier...

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