select by submaterial


i wonder if it possible to write a scritp that would select all object including such or such instanced submaterial that stands in various multimaterials.

thanks in advance.


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draging's picture

hello, try this one select (

hello, try this one

select ( for obj in $* where classof obj.material == multimaterial collect obj )

is this what you want ?

cheers !

barigazy's picture


Is not that simple.
He want to select by sub-Material not multimaterial
I'll post solution later


draging's picture

oopss... ok :D

oopss... ok :D

barigazy's picture


Try this tool for change :)
How it works:
Press "Pick MultiMaterial" button and from "Material/Map Browser" (in "Scene Material" Roll) pick multi material or any sub-material of some multimaterial.
This tool will check if picked material are assigned already and check wether is belongs to a multimaterial.
Spinner represents sub-material index.

try(DestroyDialog ::mmtlSelector) catch()
rollout mmtlSelector "Select by SubMtl"
	local mmtl
	fn filtMtl mat = (isKindOf mat multimaterial or (for r in (refs.dependents mat) where isKindOf r multimaterial collect r).count != 0)
	materialbutton choosemtl "Pick MultiMaterial" pos:[5,5] width:140
	spinner mtlSubs "Sub Material:" type:#integer pos:[5,30] width:140 enabled:off
	button btn "Select Object By Sub-Mtl" pos:[5,50] width:140 enabled:off
	on choosemtl picked mtl do
		if not filtMtl mtl then
			messageBox "Pick Already Assigned Multimaterial Or Some Sub_Material " title:"Warning" beep:off
			choosemtl.text = "Pick MultiMaterial" ; mtlSubs.value = 0 ; mtlSubs.enabled = btn.enabled = off ; mmtl = null
			mmtl = if isKindOf mtl multimaterial then mtl else (for r in (refs.dependents mtl) where isKindOf r multimaterial collect r)[1]
			choosemtl.text = if == "" then = ("MultiMtl_#"+(random 1000 2000) as string) else
			mtlSubs.range = [1, (mmtl.materialList.count), 1] ; mtlSubs.enabled = btn.enabled = on
	on btn pressed do 
		if isKindOf mmtl multimaterial do
			if not MeditUtilities.isMaterialInUse (sub = mmtl.materialList[mtlSubs.value]) then 
				messageBox "This Material Is Not Assigned To Any Object!" title:"Warning" beep:off
				select (refs.dependentNodes sub)
	on choosemtl rightclick do (choosemtl.text = "Pick MultiMaterial" ; mtlSubs.value = 0 ; mtlSubs.enabled = btn.enabled = off ; mmtl = null)
createDialog mmtlSelector 150 75 style:#(#style_titlebar, #style_sysmenu, #style_toolwindow)


barigazy's picture


I did not test this but you can try it :)


appius's picture


waow! that was fast! you rock!

it seems to work fine. thanks a lot.

I just don't understand what's the choice between instance and copy.
it's a detection method? if so, the copy method never get results, even if I copy a submat from a multimat into an other multimat and after renaming it with same name...

barigazy's picture


That's the default behavior of material/map buttons. Material Editor works also that way. U need to choose "Instance" because "Copy" will create new material which is unused in the scene


appius's picture


ok, thanks.
could you make it installable in user interface?

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