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ScriptSpot is a diverse online community of artists and developers who come together to find and share scripts that empower their creativity with 3ds Max. Our users come from all parts of the world and work in everything from visual effects to gaming, architecture, students or hobbyists.
hello, try this one select (
hello, try this one
is this what you want ?
cheers !
Is not that simple.
He want to select by sub-Material not multimaterial
I'll post solution later
oopss... ok :D
oopss... ok :D
Try this tool for change :)
How it works:
Press "Pick MultiMaterial" button and from "Material/Map Browser" (in "Scene Material" Roll) pick multi material or any sub-material of some multimaterial.
This tool will check if picked material are assigned already and check wether is belongs to a multimaterial.
Spinner represents sub-material index.
I did not test this but you can try it :)
waow! that was fast! you rock!
it seems to work fine. thanks a lot.
I just don't understand what's the choice between instance and copy.
it's a detection method? if so, the copy method never get results, even if I copy a submat from a multimat into an other multimat and after renaming it with same name...
That's the default behavior of material/map buttons. Material Editor works also that way. U need to choose "Instance" because "Copy" will create new material which is unused in the scene
ok, thanks.
could you make it installable in user interface?