Select Objects, run wantet script -> every object have an different color


is there any existing script, who can do this?

I want to select objects (>>1000), run the script an get different colors vor every object.

If there is not such a script, can anyone write one for me?

Or is there an other way (all objects are instances of massfx and are cubes)

Thanks and regards.


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miauu's picture


	for o in selection do o.wirecolor = (color (random 0 255) (random 0 255) (random 0 255))
dremler's picture

Thank you for the fast help!

Thank you for the fast help! It works great:)

barigazy's picture


One more example with mapped fn and full saturated color

mapped fn randomizeWire objs = (objs.wirecolor = (clr = random black white ; clr.s = 255 ; clr))
randomizeWire selection 


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