Shortcut to Pick Reference Coordinate System

I'm trying to create a MacroScript to be able to have a shortcut to "pick" reference coordinate system. The others are easy (view, world, etc) but I can't figure out how to do "pick."

Thanks in advance!


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rachka's picture

picked object's surface

Great script but it'd better if instead of picked object it's picked object's surface because that's faster. Instead of searching for the right object to pick (or creating an object with autogrid and then pick it) you just pick the nearest surface with coordinates that points in your desired direction. By picking the surface the script would create "invisible" autogrid object and takes its coordinate reference system.

miauu's picture


Take a look at this: miauu's Work Plane.

crystal3d's picture

THat's it,! Great THNX!

precisely what i needed

miauu's picture


macroscript miauuSetPickedObjAsRefCoordSystem
tooltip:"Set Picked Object as RCS"
buttonText:"Set Picked Object as RCS"
	pickedObj = pickObject()
	if isValidNode pickedObj do toolMode.coordsys pickedObj

Save this as ms. or mcr and drag and drop it in 3dsmax viewports. Then go to Customize - Customize user interface - "miauu" category.

DotScott1's picture

... You Are Awesome.

You are awesome, my friend. Works perfectly, greatly appreciated.

miauu's picture


Glad to help. :)

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