Simple lock- / unlock camera


I really miss two simple buttons, one that lock the current view and one that unlocks the view.

I have found this to do the job:
setTransformLockFlags $ #all
setTransformLockFlags $ #none
but I have to selecet the camera and target manuel to lock the view, before running the script.

I guess that the script should select the active camera and it's target and lock them.

I know how to add a script to a toolbar, but not how to write it properly :-/

Can anyone help?



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Igryl9l's picture


Is it possible to add an indicator or glac to your scenario, which will show whether the camera is locked or not?

Jorgensen's picture

Thanks - works like a charm

Thanks - works like a charm :-)

miauu's picture


--	lock active camera and its target
	activeCam = getActiveCamera()
	setTransformLockFlags activeCam #all
	setTransformLockFlags #all
--	unlock active camera and its target
	activeCam = getActiveCamera()
	setTransformLockFlags activeCam #none
	setTransformLockFlags #none

The active viewport have to be the "camera" viewport.

ighost01's picture

Add ithe script as button in toolbars


I am not a scripter and I don't know how to create scripts. I would like to know how I can add this script as buttons (lock and unlock) in the tool bar because I tried by dragging it to the toolbar which work, but once I restart 3ds max the lock and unlock buttons disappear and 3ds max shows me a runtime error ? :/

miauu's picture


Save this as ms file.

macroscript miauuLockCamera
tooltip:"Lock Camera"
buttonText:"Lock Camera"
	activeCam = getActiveCamera()
	setTransformLockFlags activeCam #all
	setTransformLockFlags #all
macroscript miauuUnlockCamera
tooltip:"Unlock Camera"
buttonText:"Unlock Camera"
	activeCam = getActiveCamera()
	setTransformLockFlags activeCam #none
	setTransformLockFlags #none

Drag and drop it onto your 3ds max viewports and the scripts will be insalled. Then you can find them in Customize-Customize User Interface-"miauu" category, and you can create toolbar buttons.

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